Oh dear. Some things are destined to haunt us for life 
I tnink you have to be a diabetic or chronic hypothyroid to appreciate how silly it is to use stuff like T3 or insulin for purely vain purposes. Hopefully one of the purposes of these boards is to make sure that people who do choose to use the drugs don't end up permanently damaging themselves. There was an incident, a while ago now, when Mrs Texas Guns (one of our moderators) had a thyroid meltdown from using T3 and dieting for too long. It makes us all the more cautious, especially since she wasn't really using high doses of T3. Be safe. And have fun in Greece!

I tnink you have to be a diabetic or chronic hypothyroid to appreciate how silly it is to use stuff like T3 or insulin for purely vain purposes. Hopefully one of the purposes of these boards is to make sure that people who do choose to use the drugs don't end up permanently damaging themselves. There was an incident, a while ago now, when Mrs Texas Guns (one of our moderators) had a thyroid meltdown from using T3 and dieting for too long. It makes us all the more cautious, especially since she wasn't really using high doses of T3. Be safe. And have fun in Greece!