Wow! Nice size for a guy with your sig.
Good luck to ya!
Just like to say that your advice on this board has been/and is instrumental in my success to reaching my goals (non-competetive) and likely for numerous others as well!
It's always good to get advice from someone who's rock-fuckin-solid and CLEARLY knows what their talkin about rather than some skinny assed know-it-all weenie who clearly doesn't apply, or test what their spoutin.
You and I have almost an identical body type (except I'm an old fart, and you're WAY bigger). Nice to see what I could look like if I keep at it. Wish I was 25 again and knew what I know now, I'd at least try to give you a run 4 yer money!
Thanks again for all the advice and KICK SOME ASS at the show! Even if everyone here is not there, were all screamin for ya!!