New member
Below is quote from another thread:
""I have been bulking for about 2 months and have gained noticeble muscle. I don't want to start cutting until I get to my bulking goal. I notice when I relax my abs I look like I'm 3-4 month pregnant(I'm a man). Is this normal for bulking? I also have noticeble fat around my Oblique areas. Is cutting the only way to get rid of these fat stores? The rest of my body looks lean.""
I also have this issue but I have not been bulking for that long and I had this problem also when not bulking. I figure now that once I have added 20 or so pounds of muscle mass, it will make it easier to cut.
Anyway, people please post your ideas on killing that protuding tummy. Diet, cardio, vacuum exercises... what else? what specific routines or diets. I have tried alomst everything!!
""I have been bulking for about 2 months and have gained noticeble muscle. I don't want to start cutting until I get to my bulking goal. I notice when I relax my abs I look like I'm 3-4 month pregnant(I'm a man). Is this normal for bulking? I also have noticeble fat around my Oblique areas. Is cutting the only way to get rid of these fat stores? The rest of my body looks lean.""
I also have this issue but I have not been bulking for that long and I had this problem also when not bulking. I figure now that once I have added 20 or so pounds of muscle mass, it will make it easier to cut.
Anyway, people please post your ideas on killing that protuding tummy. Diet, cardio, vacuum exercises... what else? what specific routines or diets. I have tried alomst everything!!