Binging was a huge problem for me too, but the scariest part for me was that I was a
closet eater, much like many women with EDs are.
I would eat a normal meal -- not even something particular healthy, just a normal meal -- with family and then I would sneak around all evening pigging out. I did this up until a year ago or so, really. I hid food from boyfriends, roommates.
One time I was living with girls in college and eating something quickly in the kitchen before someone came out of their bedroom... I remember that moment because I was 220 lbs trying to re-start my diet... and my roommate walked out of her room, saw me eating and I JUMPED. She scared the crap out of me -- and I remember her saying, "Are you SUPPOSED to be eating that?"
That stung. I'll never forget that; totally caught.
It was really hard for me to break that habit when I lived alone for the last few years because there was NO ONE around to catch me. GG saw my old apt -- I was ground level, so when those blinds were shut, I was ALWAYS hidden. I had to keep the blinds open because at least that would keep me from worrying what the neighbors would think as I scarfed two (yes TWO) super size fast food meals with a pint of ice cream for dinner some nights.
It was bad.

Makes me sad to think I used to live like that... now I genuinely LOVE food and am not ashamed to say it now that I finally have control over it -- not vice versa.