Day Four:
Elliptical HIT training for 45 mins
Lateral raises and DB press: 3s/10r
Front Laterals and Upright rows: 2s/10r
Shrugs and rev pec dec: 3s/10r
bicycles and lying leg scissors: 3cycles of 1minute (ouch....very sore)
Meal 1: myoplex light w/water, creatine, vitamins
Meal 2: 1 oz. walnuts
Meal 3: 3 cups baby spinach, 2 sliced strawberries, 2 sliced mushrooms, 3 oz. turkey, 2 tb. Newmans light raspberry walnut vinegarette dressing, 8 wheat thins
At 3pm Having:
Meal 4: Syntrax protein w/water
At 6-6:30pm Having:
Meal 5: 5 oz. turkey, sm. Yam, 1-2 cups veggie (non-starchy)
Feeling really great! So sore, cant even explain how tired & sore I am.
I think one trait about myself is that I NEED "instant gratification". This plays over in all aspects of my life. For me....... I "WANT" equals I "GET". It's an awful trait, I will admit but none the less.... I have it bigtime. I was bored with my job and wanted a change in pace, so I quit (w/out having something else lined up and looked for something else), I wanted a new car so I went to the dealer, traded mine in and updated, Im tired and wanted a vaca....called the travel agent. I have NEVER in my life saved up for anything, discussed major things before acting on it ect..... I guess that makes me selfish too
Ok, my point is that I only started this journey back to my former self on tuesday but Im working my tail off and Im still overweight and horrified at what I let happen to myself. This is where the "instant gratification" thing plays in....... I want my body back and I want it ***NOW***!! I am women........ hear me roar.......... **NOW**. Oh boy, this is gonna take time but Im not used to waiting for anything. This is not in my control and I will admit that I hate it and it sucks. Im gonna have to come to terms with working out and not seeing results in the mirror or on the scale for awhile.
So, all in all having a somewhat depressing day realizing that this is not going to come easy.
Rambling done