New member
You poor guys. I see one problem right now. Your killing your selves! Ya gotta start somewhere. Ya at 15 , 16 i was benching ok for my size but let me tell you how it all begin.........
I was helping a friend clean his parents garage for 10 bucks each. I was 13yrs old. i found a March 1983 old ass Muscle n fitness mag. I asked if i could keep it they said sure. I read it and was fuckin blown away by the physiques in there. Holy shit i couldnt believe it. I asked my mom if she thought i could look lke that. She said if i really wanted too. So i begged her to please take me to wal mart and i would pay here back the 50 dollars for the DP bench and leg extension along with the 110lbs set it came with. Now all my buddies were maybe a year or two older, that little bit of time they had on me, not lifting just there bodies being a little more matured, definitly should when we all got to gether to lift. I had a litlle muscluar friend who was 15 he said he could bench all 110lbs i was like bull shit. He banged out like 10 reps or so. My next buddy went and got 2. Next buddy got like 5. His older bro got like 15. Now my turn...it fuckin crushed me. So we unloaded till i got it. Ya know what it was? My very first time benching? 70lbs. I weighed 120lbs. I was fuckin embarassed. But..it fueled me like you would never know. They would be like yo lets go do this or that, i would be like no man lifting after school. So after 6 months or so i quit. Another 6 months i started back. i did 6 months on 6 months off till i was 18 or so. BUt everytiome i would make my little comeback i could press a ton more then i finished with.
Your bodies have to mature. Some mature more then others. Some way faster then others. Just cause you got some hair on your balls does not mean you rmature! I had a friend who at 15 years old could bench 315 for 3 reps in his garage. At 5'9 and 190 lbs this mother was in shape! he matured fast. Hell before i powerlifted i could bench mor ethen him now. Back then he was leaps and bounds in from t of me. Now forget it. At 27 years old between me and him who matured faster then, means nothing now. I was built like him when i was 19! Now i am way bigger and stronger. Ya'll give it itme and dont worry about the jones's.
When you get to early 20's you will not be near your peak in strength , but you will by then know i fyou got it or you dont. Just make progress, every time , that i syour goal.
Sorry so long, you gotta remeber i type 80 plus a minute!
I was helping a friend clean his parents garage for 10 bucks each. I was 13yrs old. i found a March 1983 old ass Muscle n fitness mag. I asked if i could keep it they said sure. I read it and was fuckin blown away by the physiques in there. Holy shit i couldnt believe it. I asked my mom if she thought i could look lke that. She said if i really wanted too. So i begged her to please take me to wal mart and i would pay here back the 50 dollars for the DP bench and leg extension along with the 110lbs set it came with. Now all my buddies were maybe a year or two older, that little bit of time they had on me, not lifting just there bodies being a little more matured, definitly should when we all got to gether to lift. I had a litlle muscluar friend who was 15 he said he could bench all 110lbs i was like bull shit. He banged out like 10 reps or so. My next buddy went and got 2. Next buddy got like 5. His older bro got like 15. Now my turn...it fuckin crushed me. So we unloaded till i got it. Ya know what it was? My very first time benching? 70lbs. I weighed 120lbs. I was fuckin embarassed. But..it fueled me like you would never know. They would be like yo lets go do this or that, i would be like no man lifting after school. So after 6 months or so i quit. Another 6 months i started back. i did 6 months on 6 months off till i was 18 or so. BUt everytiome i would make my little comeback i could press a ton more then i finished with.
Your bodies have to mature. Some mature more then others. Some way faster then others. Just cause you got some hair on your balls does not mean you rmature! I had a friend who at 15 years old could bench 315 for 3 reps in his garage. At 5'9 and 190 lbs this mother was in shape! he matured fast. Hell before i powerlifted i could bench mor ethen him now. Back then he was leaps and bounds in from t of me. Now forget it. At 27 years old between me and him who matured faster then, means nothing now. I was built like him when i was 19! Now i am way bigger and stronger. Ya'll give it itme and dont worry about the jones's.
When you get to early 20's you will not be near your peak in strength , but you will by then know i fyou got it or you dont. Just make progress, every time , that i syour goal.
Sorry so long, you gotta remeber i type 80 plus a minute!