Right now I am doing a Smolov squat routine. The first mesocycle calls for squatting 4 times a week. Sun. Tues. Thurs. Fri. I have adapted to it and am liking it alot right now, but my question is about my upper. Right now on Mon. I am doing basically Chest/Tris/Shoulders and Wens. Back/Bis. Monday looks like this
Bench- 5x5 basically
Incline DB presses - 3x6
Skullcrushers - 3x6
Military- 3x6
Side laterals- 3x6
Dips- 3x6
Wednesday looks like this...
Chest supp. rows- 3x6
1 arm rows- 3x6
Shrugs- 3x6
Chins- 3x6
Bent laterals- 3x6
Then some bicep work.
The reps on the ones that are 3x6(which are almost all) are not always 6 as if the weight is to easy I will do more. Each workout I will increase weight if all reps and sets were completed, if it was extra hard I may stick to that weight for one more week. But my question is does this look ok? Also should I maybe throw more 5x5 work in say on a Tricep excercise and Shoulder one(on Skulls and Military) then on rows and first excercise of bicep work? In 3 weeks of this my lifts have increased, but I do not want them to hit a standstill so early. I was thinking just doing some 54321 benching twice a week, but figure that would not go very far. Just shoot me some opinions and suggestions on what yall think. Thanks
Bench- 5x5 basically
Incline DB presses - 3x6
Skullcrushers - 3x6
Military- 3x6
Side laterals- 3x6
Dips- 3x6
Wednesday looks like this...
Chest supp. rows- 3x6
1 arm rows- 3x6
Shrugs- 3x6
Chins- 3x6
Bent laterals- 3x6
Then some bicep work.
The reps on the ones that are 3x6(which are almost all) are not always 6 as if the weight is to easy I will do more. Each workout I will increase weight if all reps and sets were completed, if it was extra hard I may stick to that weight for one more week. But my question is does this look ok? Also should I maybe throw more 5x5 work in say on a Tricep excercise and Shoulder one(on Skulls and Military) then on rows and first excercise of bicep work? In 3 weeks of this my lifts have increased, but I do not want them to hit a standstill so early. I was thinking just doing some 54321 benching twice a week, but figure that would not go very far. Just shoot me some opinions and suggestions on what yall think. Thanks