If they dont care what sex theyre with, i think that makes them bisexual, for sure...
where to draw the line? Hard to say...never done this myself but my best guy friend who's in venice now hooked up with a girl in ft lauderdale once,he was piss drunk... went back to her place, did their thang, realized after she has a penis and she told him that he/she was transgender...told me he ran outta there...and 4 the next week or so he was scared that half the girls he talk to actually have a package downstairs..lmao hilarious, i couldnt help but burst out in laughter, but I did believe him. I'd say thats the drawing line if I had to pick, although ive never done this myself (thankfully)...i consider him 100% straight, but I guess sometimes everyone has their moments..well most..i consider my closer guy friends attractive, good looking, but I could never imagine doing a thing 2 em besides giving them a high five, or a hug and pat on the back if i havent seen one in a long time (in regards to touching)..LOL, hell, i've seen competitors do this on stage often anyway, meaning guys. Me personally, guys are just friends to me, going back to evolution I could not imagine seeing a guy bang another guy, just doesnt flow right with evolution, nor w/me. But hey to each their own, i think gay folks are quite friendly to be around , but that's just it

With girls it's a little different I think, since theyre more "touchy" and sensual/emotional (as a gender). Aka lately seeing some girls kiss on stage at ifbb fitness/figure shows as part of their routine (henderscott, that asian one that does porn-muscular girl, couple others, 4got their names..), seems to be more accepted than guys kissing on stage, or in a video, ill guarentee you that, although everyone has their own "thang" i suppose
Aye heather...Happy Mother's Day!
Do anything interesting w/the step kids?