Originally posted by HeavyDutyGuy:
Valdez, I'm new here, can you give me an idea of your typical workout routine?
My typical routine is not BFT.
it is very similar to the dorian yates split: I do alot of supersets and drop sets, you can keep the exercises the same and omit these if you wish. just add some more sets per exercise, and never stay in the gym longer than 60minutes.
Monday- Chest Shoulders Tris
*pec dec 1 set of 8 reps, 6 forced reps, drop the weight to 60% 5-6 reps to failure again, then 6-8 forced reps, drop the weight again by 50% 6-8 reps to failure then 6-8 forced reps. Yes this is about 30 reps, 24 of them being beyond initial failure to pre-fatigue the chest. Now the workout begins
Incline Bench press: 12, 10
Incline Flye's: 10, 7, 6
wieghted dips: 10, 5
Cable flyes supersetted with pushups to absolute failure (not even 1 pushup on the knees can be done): 10, 8
Side laterals: 12, 10, 8, 6 (be strict)
French press: 10, 8
Cable pushdowns: 10, 8
1 arm reverse pressdowns: 8
Tuesday- Quads Hamstrings
Barbell squats (ATF): 12, 12, 10, 8
Hacks or Leg press: 12,10,8,6
SLDL: 10,8
Leg curl: 10,8,10
Wed: OFF, rest
Thur- Back Biceps
M. grip pulldowns: 12,10
pullovers (machine): 12,10
barbell rows: 12,10,8
EZ curl underhand barbell rows: 10,8
cable rows: 12,10,*8 (triple drop set, lower the weight and continue to pump out at least 6 reps on each drop going to failure)
Incline seat curls: 12,10
*barbell curls: 10... drop the weight by 60% and do 6-10 more reps to failure and have a partner assist you with 6 more reps beyond failure.
Friday- Calves, rear delts, traps
Standing calf raise or donkey calf raise: 20, 15, 12, 10, *8 triple drop set...
Seated calf raise: 15,12,10
your calves will cramp and it will be painful.
Dumbell shrugs: 15 warmup
Barbell shrugs: 12,10,8,15
Dumbell shrug: 12, 10
Dumbell rear laterals (very very strict) 15,12,12,10,8
reverse pec deck: 12,8
Weekend off.
It's a tough but simple, short and sweet workout. get out of the gym in under 60 minutes and you won't overtrain, supply sufficient intensity and you will not undertrain. this is a bulking routing btw.