krav maga all above posts are correct its a mix of ju jitsu aikido taekwondo karate boxing etc. most of these arts come from aiki jujitsu an art which hasnt been watered down over the years to make it into a sport the last original martial was aikido which was given to the west in the 6os approx n thats been watered down too fit in western ways aikido comes originally from aikijutsu as do many styles wich can b traced back 2 ancient jujitsu which then traced back 2 ancient chinese arts u cannot look at any art ancient or other wise n not see many other arts in there all arts are great there is no 1 style in particular better than an other it is the exponent of that art who makes it his own who makes it look so easy that people percieve it 2 b the best art there isnt 2 many of us in the world who takes his or her art 2 a personel level those who do make it look unbeatable. all arts were originally built for self defense n no matter how good u get any 1 can b beaten on any given day having a black belt does not guarantee u a win but it does give an advantage over most opponents so wot ever ure chosen art make it ure own so u can take it to truly better heights. here ends my rant, history lesson and psychology thanx 4 reading
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