I'm really confused what should I do.....
Should I go with Ckd or just a low carb diet.....
I'm pretty lean and under 10%BF I just wanna get leaner.....
My abs are showin but not the way I want it.
Please help me out.
ckd would show quicker results if just for the fact that youll be less bloated (just make sure to stay away from the sodium in a lot of ckd foods) and will make your abs come out quicker.
then if you choose the ckd route, and want to come off, slowly wean yourself back onto carbs and just maintain a standard 40/30/30 ratio diet or something along those lines.
I am also interested in getting my abs to show. I am at 10% body fat. Is there anything else other then low carbs that isn't so drastic for losing fat? How do you maintain low body fat once you finish a low carb diet? I am not really in a rush.