Whats up Iron bros. Punch's Dungeon is officially complete. After 4 years of adding equipment I am finally done. I will first tell you all what I have then give you my 2 cents on what to look for.
Currently, all of my equipment is made by Cybex and Paramount. Sqaut rack, Multi angle commercial olympic bench ( my favorite ) Latpull machine w. 300lb linear bearing stack. Leg press, seated calf, dip, t-bar, 600lb in olympic plates and 5-100 lb fixed dbells w/ rack
My gym is wall to wall rubber matting w/ floor to ceiling mirrors.
Total Cost: Approx $15,000
It is quite frankly, nicer than most gyms I have been in. Before I purchased all highend commercial equipment I used machines by Parabody and Proelite. This equipment can be found on the web and in the case of Pro Elite its the closest you can come to commercial quality at half the cost. As for plates....Plates are plates, as long as their olympic it really doesnt matter. Same goes for dbls. Avoid spin collars, they suck and are too time consuming.
It is essential to buy MULTI use equipment. For example. My lat pull machine covers back, tris and many bi excersises. My squat rack covers legs, back, bis, shoulders on and on. In reality you only need a power cage/lat machine and adjustable bench w/ an olympic bar and some wieght to do the job. Single pieces of specialized equipment such as a leg ext machine are in my opinion a waste of space and money.If you have the space and cash by all means add them but the basic pieces are key.
Layout is also very important. Things must flow. You dont want to lug 45lb plates accross your basement to go from squat rack to bench, so a floor plan is smart. Mirrors are very, very important. Trust me on this, when I added my mirrors it changed my whole gym and workout for the better.
Consider whether or not you will be training by yourself or with a spotter. If by yourself a power cage w/ safety bars is by far the most important piece period. Parabody makes an awesome power cage w/chin bar and as an attatchment you can get a lat pull that attatches to the cage w/ a low row as well for around $700-800 bucks ( worth every dime ).
Having a home gym, for me, was one of the best investments I have ever made. All my buds want to come over my place and train. Here is a summary of the bennies of a home gym.
1- Blast whatever music you enjoy as loud and for as long as you wish
2- Never wait to use ANY equipment.
3-pose down in front of your mirror w/out feeling like a fucking show off
4-workout whenever you want
5-scream at the top of your lungs w/out the asshole mgr of the gym telling you to keep it down
6-concentrate on th job at hand and avoid unnecessary bullshit chatter.
Any questions, let me know. Punch
Currently, all of my equipment is made by Cybex and Paramount. Sqaut rack, Multi angle commercial olympic bench ( my favorite ) Latpull machine w. 300lb linear bearing stack. Leg press, seated calf, dip, t-bar, 600lb in olympic plates and 5-100 lb fixed dbells w/ rack
My gym is wall to wall rubber matting w/ floor to ceiling mirrors.
Total Cost: Approx $15,000
It is quite frankly, nicer than most gyms I have been in. Before I purchased all highend commercial equipment I used machines by Parabody and Proelite. This equipment can be found on the web and in the case of Pro Elite its the closest you can come to commercial quality at half the cost. As for plates....Plates are plates, as long as their olympic it really doesnt matter. Same goes for dbls. Avoid spin collars, they suck and are too time consuming.
It is essential to buy MULTI use equipment. For example. My lat pull machine covers back, tris and many bi excersises. My squat rack covers legs, back, bis, shoulders on and on. In reality you only need a power cage/lat machine and adjustable bench w/ an olympic bar and some wieght to do the job. Single pieces of specialized equipment such as a leg ext machine are in my opinion a waste of space and money.If you have the space and cash by all means add them but the basic pieces are key.
Layout is also very important. Things must flow. You dont want to lug 45lb plates accross your basement to go from squat rack to bench, so a floor plan is smart. Mirrors are very, very important. Trust me on this, when I added my mirrors it changed my whole gym and workout for the better.
Consider whether or not you will be training by yourself or with a spotter. If by yourself a power cage w/ safety bars is by far the most important piece period. Parabody makes an awesome power cage w/chin bar and as an attatchment you can get a lat pull that attatches to the cage w/ a low row as well for around $700-800 bucks ( worth every dime ).
Having a home gym, for me, was one of the best investments I have ever made. All my buds want to come over my place and train. Here is a summary of the bennies of a home gym.
1- Blast whatever music you enjoy as loud and for as long as you wish
2- Never wait to use ANY equipment.
3-pose down in front of your mirror w/out feeling like a fucking show off
4-workout whenever you want
5-scream at the top of your lungs w/out the asshole mgr of the gym telling you to keep it down
6-concentrate on th job at hand and avoid unnecessary bullshit chatter.
Any questions, let me know. Punch