I think my arms, chest and shoulders will improve the most in the next 8 weeks, especially since I haven't trained my shoulders directly until 2 weeks ago.
the increased thickness in your back is very noticable, i attribute that to your love for big rowing and cleaning exercises
You might wanna add some slow static isolation movements once you have reached your desired bodyweight to bring out the curves... But Hey: i shoulldn't be telling this to someone who has a IFBB trophy in his closet
Very good progress! I've been following your posts on the training board and it is nice to see somebody who asks questions, works hard, and then sees results.......
Oh, If you mind me asking, who is that pretty girl in your avatar???
I think my arms, chest and shoulders will improve the most in the next 8 weeks, especially since I haven't trained my shoulders directly until 2 weeks ago.
Hey Cool. You remind me of, well, me. Don´t want to burst your bubble, but if my experience and those of my buddies is any indication, you will never get results like that again. No reason not to keep banging the iron, just don´t set yourself up for failure and then run around like a fool trying all these Weider principals and buying tons of supplements trying to recapture the magic.
aurelius - Now you've done it, I will make sure I prove you wrong
We will see, I'm confident I will still get it going, in fact since I took those pics a few days, my traps have gone even bigger, I set a PR in hang cleans, I added 5 lbs to my front squat and still got my 5 reps. Tip of the iceberg, I've only just begun.
In fact it feels like the previous 2 months have been like a foundation conditoning cycle if you will
Very solid gains. Your diet must be good because you don't look at all like you put more fat on. So keep bulking untill you get to your desired size and then drop your carbs big time. double your protien and get SHREDDED.
Good work and good luck. keep posting progress. I love to see progress. Its great motivation for us all no matter what level we're at.