The Shadow
HappyScrappy said:
seems to just above the chest - 3"-6" range. if I can get it through there, then it shoots up. and anyway can get it off the chest to 3"...
also, I suspect that I don't grip out wide enough since I can do nearly the same weight on close grip bench.
my tris are strong, and my chest is weaker than frorider's jokes.
There's about 100 pound difference between my close grip and regular bench.
Yep. Slide your grip out slightly. We are about the same height. I bench with my index finger on the rings of the bar. That will get a better push off the chest and carry it until your stong tris can lock out. Try it next time.
The other possible solution is to do only incline bench for the duration of the program. That's a trick I use to break out of a weight plateau.