possibly...same with the roid gut...(just a guess)...you look best in that side tricep pose in my opinion...if i were to show a girl that pic (online)..thats prob the one id show her...dont get me wrong im not interested in guys except for friends LOL..but just saying, i dont think she was knocking all "heavier guys" really..its really the personality and the way they come across that usually get em anyway i think...although looks helps with the initial attraction...
p.s: u doing nationals this year bro? ill be going down to miami in nov. to watch it (i might do the Florida State Open in sept, top 2 in each weight class qualify for nats, and its only open to florida residents, so thats a plus, either this year, or 100% positive ill do it next year, thats a given)
Look u made 275lbs of wulfgar sad heath

, now u gotta bring him along, just need to find shallow waters since the yacht will stand a 50/50 chance of sinking! LOL
Heather...the mini cruise sounds like fun...I honestly havent went on much mini trips lately, in florida anyway...except to trinidad to visit some cousins in late december, and last month in west virginia for my contest. I havent done many in florida though, just havent had the time nor the right folks to go with for a trip i suppose (yet anyway, one of my best friend's just moved to venice to persue his acting career like kevin levrone)..where's anna maria island? The iguana reeling sounds interesting...im sure he'll enjoy and appreciate the trip, maybe he'll meet an attractive companion if we reel him far out and he mistake's a karp for a big underwater sea lizard ;-x. This weekend (sat in particular) ill be down in coral gables helping my bro's gf and her crazy roomates move stuff from her apartment on campus (UM) to a new one, she's getting her own apartment this year, she'll like the freedom (shes 20, in a sorority...u know that age group..gossip gossip, drama, conflict, partys, drinking, studying, sleeping in late) Eh, I dont feel right having you drive all the way down here though just for boating

..maybe we can schedule something halfway or so. Just hit me up at
[email protected] with the time & place etc when ure ready and we'll arrange something
