VeggieLifterChick said:
Warning to those on Loestrin 1/20:The doctor at the health center told me she just had a patient get pregnant
That's really too bad for her, but it means nothing to me & nothing at all to anyone on Loestrin. You can't take a single testimony for anything with the pill - especially it's effectiveness. For 1, she could be the one in 1,000 that get's pregnant even when using it according to the directions, it's possible & we all know that. For 2, she could be feeling so distraught over this mishap, that to deal with guilt, she's convinced herself --totally subconsciously- that in fact she did take it perfectly - -- never forgot a pill, never took it at different times of the day, didn't take anti-biotics or anti-fungals (an adopted stray cat with ring worm is why my cousin now has a beautiful daughter... cousin needed anti-fungals & hadn't realized they interacted with the pill.)
If you've ever read the long IUD thread from a while back, you'll really see the results of listening to individual, personal testimony with something like this. Someone FREAKED OUT on how horrid her IUD experience. When a OB/GYN told her she was an "Outlier" --- which means statistically she's not the norm, she's not average, her experiece falls outside of the bell curve under which the vast majority fall - she simply freaked out more & told this doc not to call her a lier. It was irritating to read. Most women have great experiences with it. Aaanyway
I personally deal with breakthru bleeding b/c I've tried mircetted & had the bleeding, Alesse & had the bleeding, plus another higher estrogen I can't remember the name of, plus the loestrin. Over the past 2-3 years. I'm sick of switching. Consistenly, always, I was fatter & more miserable, moody & sad with either no pill or anything besides Alesse (mircette was pretty good too as far as mood). I remember being happier when I first started Mircette at age 21 - when I first started the pill. That's why I put up with it, it's worth it to me. Oh - I'm hornier too!

It sucks waiting for your body to adjust to a new pill, when you don't even know if it's ever going to get better & if it will be any better than the last one. I'm tired of it.