2/11/11 Workout
Weight 236.5
WU treadmill 10 mins, 140HR
WU 15 front squats w/ bar.
Front squats: 95 x 12, 135 x 10, 135 x 10
Incline Press: WU 95 x 10, 135 x 10, 135 x 10, 155 x 7 (fail)
SLDL: 115 x 10, 135 x 10, 185 x 10 (HOO-AH) no straps either, forgot em again
I was feelin a little peckish still so I did
Decline DB presses: 45 x 10, 45 x 10, 45 x 8 (fail)
30 mins elliptical, 3.7 spd, 145 HR
So weird my regular deadlifts aren't doing that well... I think I was just still sore from the rack pulls.. numbers should be going up very quickly.