We have all seen pumping iron. Plus probably other era specific footage. But it seems these guys only ate 3 maybe 4 big meals a day?? You see them having a huge breakfast, then they train, then they eat a huge lunch, train, then a huge dinner. I remember one scene, I forget who, but they order a "huge steak" and like 2 large omletts. I'm sure there were side dishes too. 3 meals like that a day will get you 4000+ calories, but how the hell did they stay soooo lean? Or did they eat 4-5-6 times a day and we just dont see it.
Given the lifestyle they led back then, it seems like there was alot of partying and shit. It didnt seem like they were slaves to food like some of us need to be.
Just curious on the subject. I hadnt seen the movie in years til a few days ago. It just got me thinking. But it didnt make me feel bad about the 18 oz delmonico and 4 huge red potatoes chopped and cooked in olive oil, with a big glass of white wine I had for dinner last night. (I dont usually drink wine. Was anniversary)
Given the lifestyle they led back then, it seems like there was alot of partying and shit. It didnt seem like they were slaves to food like some of us need to be.
Just curious on the subject. I hadnt seen the movie in years til a few days ago. It just got me thinking. But it didnt make me feel bad about the 18 oz delmonico and 4 huge red potatoes chopped and cooked in olive oil, with a big glass of white wine I had for dinner last night. (I dont usually drink wine. Was anniversary)