jon1320 said:
An easy opener is to neg the target. negs are usually little statements that bring down a girls 'confidence' and put you on top. So if u wanna be on top of her, say something negative in a playful manner.
Be like... you: Hey, nice sunglasses, you're like the 30th girl iv'e seen today with em'
her: thanks.... (unsure) and insecure
then after u break the ice, show her u have value...
and then a penis, and a condom... and put 2 and 2 together and u'll have a nice lay
Eh, idk about that one. I mean, it COULD work, but that entirely depends on the girl and how you present yourself. Remember: most women are generally insecure as is, so knocking on 'em probably won't help your case.
A very good place to start is to just make friends with different types of girls. Granted you chances of screwing any of them will shrink to about zero, you'll gain something more valuable in that you'll learn how they think and operate. Pretty soon you'll be able to go to a bar, party, etc. and just talk to a girl for 30 secs. and be able to tell if she's worth your time or not.
I have to agree with a lot of the guys on here in that how you present yourself is key. First impressions are everything because you only get one. Phony pickup lines and scripts only make you out to be an asshole. It's best to appear calm and like you're there to have a good time, as if today were just a normal, happy day. When striking initial conversation, never talk about your personal problems because it makes you appear weak or like you have issues. Always try and make her the center of attention, but be subtle about it. If she asks a question about you, always answer, but be concise and polite. 90% of the girls I've talked to think manners are sexy and only 10% are lookin for a "bad boy." With some experience you'll be able to tell the difference. It gets easier with time, but it's that initial jump that's the toughest. It's like jumping into an ice cold're nervous and you probably couldn't fit a rasin between your ass cheeks, but it's kind of fun too.
You're going to make mistakes, but DO NOT let that discourage you!!!!!
Lastly, IMO it might be worth it to wait and get into a committed relationship before taking the plunge. Afterall, do you really want your first time to be with...uhh...what's-her-face?