Markshark, where do you live?? If you're close enough, I wouldn't mind teaching a bro a thing or 2 first hand. I haven't torn up a good college town lately.
A little intro. I don't care if girls find me attractive. It's not my concern. Sure some do and some don't, but I don't worry about it. The best thing I can do is make sure I don't step outside without looking (and smelling) my best. Be clean and dress nice, nothing fancy. Now that I'm ready to leave the house, I follow the below rules not matter what!
If you really are down about something one day, don't go out. Just don't let the little shit keep you down. If you need to vent, vent to your bros, the girls don't want to hear it. They're out to have fun, and you're the fun guy they've been waiting for.
RULE #1: You NEED to be happy and positive! Example; you had a shit day in class. That night you go out. A girl comes up to you and says, "Hey, how ya doing?" The LAST thing you say is what a shitty day you had. You tell her how great you're doing and how happy you are. The entire time you....
RULE #2: Maintain EYE CONTACT! When a girl walks by, you look her in the eye the entire time she looks at you. Don't look away! You like her. You're not afraid to show it. Wait a few seconds for her to smile. If she does, smile back. If she doesn't, YOU SMILE, you don't want her thinking you're some wierdo. If she doesn't smile back, big deal. There's only 10,000 other girls. You don't sweat the little stuff.
RULE #3: You have 3 seconds to APPROACH!! If you see a girl that interests you, MOVE IN! (If you don't move your feet by the count of 3, you'll never move. You'll just sit there and make excuses as to why you can't approach) Or, if you get a smile make an approach. Just say Hi, how are you? How is your night? Talk about her. Start small, you don't need to create a unique first line for every girl in the world. Don't forget RULES 1 and 2 while you're talking.
Practice being positive and maintaining eye contact every day. Wherever you are (class, grocery store, bank) and whoever you talk to, be conscious about looking people in the eye and smiling. I guarantee your world will change! You will become more confident when interacting with people, and believe me, the girls notice
PM me and we can work on some advanced stuff once you get used to the stuff I just wrote