Honestly guys, there's no "secret phrase" or "magic words" that will work across the board on all women. It's like saying, "what can I do to get big in the gym?". There's so many variables, it's different for everyone. Find what works for you, and concentrate on that. Remember, getting laid is a numbers game....nobody can get them all, but like good genetics in the gym, some can come across it much easier.
I think if you can understand female psychology very well, you have the advantage....how do you get to learn this? Sounds gay, but you should have been paying attention to what women talk about since you were 12. They've given you everything you need to know about them, including what turns them on, what makes them tick!
The most common turn-on I've found is confidence short of arrogance compounded with a wide vocabulary....and nice shoes. Just by virtue of approaching women, you've done something that 95% of guys won't do, so you're off to a good start...get over your fear, take your lumps, and like telemarketing...eventually you'll get a sale.