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Thanks for your support. I will get their eventually, even though I feel like I've been saying that forever. My family really doesn't know any better. Perfect example...My mom was redoing her kitchen. For over a month she had no stove and no oven. She did have a working barbecue in the yard. Do you know what my family ate for a whole month straight? Fast food!!!!!! I offered my house. They have a key and we are hardly ever home. It has a brand new kitchen. Then I asked my mom if she was nuts. I said, "you have a grill, right outside. Surely you can do something with it?" Well she didn't take my advice and they still ate fast food. So that's how they are. My dad, thankfully is not over weight at all. My mom on the other hand would rather complain about it then do something about it. I love my dad very much, but sometimes he's so clueless. When I graduated high school, he told me to take some civil service exams because they couldn't afford college. Well you should have seen his eyes when I invited him to my college graduation. I will prove him day.