Hey bro, JavaGuru is right. I've seen people eat 4000 - 5000 calories a day on a bulking cycle without steroids, and they don't even bat an eye at it. You want to get big? There has to be some fat with it. You can always cut up afterward bro. The key? Keep raising your caloric intake weekly until you start to see the gains you are looking for. I know a guy who eats 500 grams of protein a day when he is bulking. I know it seems unreal, but he does. I LOVE my protein, and I'll admit, I'd find it nearly IMPOSSIBLE to choke down that much protein, even if I had to. It's just a matter of how badly you want the gains. Andro's work very well. You just have to have the proper food intake with them. Jeremy Carriere is right when he says almost everything in an oral is broken down by the body. Try the topical sollutions. I have a feeling you'll gain some good weight. Also, a 1-AD/alpha-dopa stack packs weight on very well. I've heard using GroTropin in place of the alpha-dopa is even better. Do a little more research bro. You'll see andros can be very good.