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Anavar or masteron?

too much deca and test is going to accumulate water.. thats the first issue and hoping to correct that by just adding a dht is not the answer.. .LOWER the doses of test and deca first and foremost.. second is your diet as well as your cardio discipline and consistency... THOSE need to be addressed first
masteron and anavar are both dht's. dht's not only help with estrogen but they will help balance DHN which helps with deca dick
proviron is most optimal because its not liver toxic and it doesn't require injecting
Hey your opinion @stevesmi on proviron. Say your blasting/cruising year round. Wouldn’t proviron be ideal to use year round too? I see there psychological benefits to using it.
I have low body fat but I wanna add in a dht all I’ve got is mastron and Anavar and yk-11(not a dht) any suggestions running 400mgs deca and 450 test cyp a week, also I’m loosing my abs the bigger I get how to fix?
@RiverRat1220 I commented on your LOG
you didnt update diet training pics or anything else
how can we tell you anything on anavar or masteron or anything else bro?
we going to guess? thats bad
we need actual UPDATES to help you bro :)
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