I'm new to this board and it's great. Suggestions are appreciated. I current take Xenadrine, Green Tea, Tyrosine, Glutamine, Multi, C, E, Calcium, Glucosamine, B complex, Cranberry Fruit, Milk Thistle, St. John's Wort, Kava Kava, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and of course Protein Shakes throughout the day! I also drink various juices from my JuiceMan. I take certain pills in the morning, preworkout, afterworkout and when I go to sleep. Am I missing anything here or am I taking too much. I just came off six weeks of Test Cyp and I'm on my fifth week of Fina which will continue three more weeks or until the clomid arrives! Any suggestions? I bulked up alot and now I'm cutting while getting way strong! Thanks!!!