Today was the most painful day of my life. I can barely more my arms, hands, legs at all. At least my back isin't sore (yet) but man does it suck to not be in as good of shape as i was. Here is what we did today for events roughly and it feels like the first time i trained there all over again.
Axel Deads -
135 x8 i think
225lbs x6 or 8
315lbs x3
405lbs x1
The 405 flew up and i didnt have a belt or anything on, i dunno why it was so much easier to pull from an axle but i always seem to do well with axle even though most people struggle with the grip part.
Farmers with handles that "were forged in hell" that i have never used before
~140lbs per hand 100ft with turn at 50ft.
~230lbs per hand 100ft with turn at 50ft.
~280lbs per hand ~25 feet and tanked it
These handles sucked they were the hardest thing in my life and weighted like they were 30-50lbs more then they really were. Even the rest of the guys were having a VERY tough time with them i was surprised.
Tire flip with easy tire i think its 600lbs or 700lbs cant remember. Did like 3-4 sets of 8+
What was supposed to be a keg/sandbag/sled medley except my grip was so shot when i went to pick the keg off the floor my hands just slid right off the keg like my hand muscles just shit off and refused to work. Couldn't manage the sandbag either but i was able to pick it up and move a few feet. Ended up just doing the sled which was like 500lbs i think for 50ft.
Loaded the 180 stone and felt every tendon in my upper body just stretch in pain and said fuck it and called it quits. No point in getting hurt the first day back.