MattTheSkywalker said:Talk about mixing apples and oranges!
Which countries are you referring to? Oil-rich Norway? Talk about anomalous!!
And Sweden? Sweden has not produced ANY net jobs since 1950. Of Sweden's top 30 companies, none were founded after 1930. Contrast that with the economic growth of the US since 1950: 60M net jobs!
This comparison is such a non-starter....
ok so they havent produced jobs
they have started numerous social programs to target obesity however. People with diabetic complications will continue to be treated by healthcare as otherwise they would die. The general public is unwilling to let that happen (death) and due to the free commercial leash given in your country and mine, sweets and high calorie food is served in high school cafeteria's everywhere.
Yes, in an ideal world their moms and pops should be telling them to eat right. but most likely there parents wont, and they are not mature enough to knwo that if they get trapped in an obesity lifestyle they will suffer!
the difference between the article nordy posted and what we do is they realised they are going to have a diabetes epidemic and they got a lid on it. this will SAVE money, yes it is government saying we have to spend money to save money but for centuries we have treated the symptoms of disease in an attempt to remove them from the public but have neglected to change the underlying causes.
You can if you want, revert to a purely capatalist society with no reign on what is peddled to kids, and no mass social programs,
you will get those who are sensible living well and provideing for their family, but you will also get massive social degeneration, a breakdown of social structure and as a result massive sequalae of deprivation (crime, drugs, teen pregnancy)...they will eventually have to be contained within walls to stop them robbing and pillaging others...far-fetched but entirely bprobable and predicted by many analysts as the rich-poor divide worsens
, by helping them we aren;t only helping them but society and the environment as a whole. this appears to be a fundamental difference between europe and the us...and the way i think and you do. maybe (i hope not) when i'm earning $$$ i'll change but im guessing like you said its apples and oranges