so guys i was in a really bad car accident im almost 6 1 i was 277 at about 32 percent body fat and now after the accident im 217 at 26 percent body fat man i feel weak. i tore my aorta and had heart surgery and dislocated and fractured my hip. man i feel weak i lost all my calf muscle which were huge most my traps and shoulders. the only muscles i seemed to keep were my bis and chest i lost a lil off both too. also my legs are skinny as hell lol. im learning to walk i cant wait to get back into the gym.
i was on my way to tijuana and a diesle trailer hitch came lose jumped the center devider and hit us head on. damn them fed ex assholes lol.
man its hard so any tips u guys can give me to get me bak going good. im stilla newb so sorry for whatever mistakes ive made lol oh yeah an im 22
i was on my way to tijuana and a diesle trailer hitch came lose jumped the center devider and hit us head on. damn them fed ex assholes lol.
man its hard so any tips u guys can give me to get me bak going good. im stilla newb so sorry for whatever mistakes ive made lol oh yeah an im 22