Well, I just got back from Legs and I can honestly say it was the best leg workout I've ever had. I did start off with regular squats. I went with 135 for 10 just to warm up. Then I decided to go lighter than what I usually do (205) just so I can get my form down. 185 5x5. It was great, by the 5th set on the 5th rep I could barely get it up but it went well. Although I don't think my form was picture perfect, I know it was a lot better than me with 205 on the bar. Then after that, I did 2 sets of 10 on leg press with 6 plates total on it. Hacks, did 2 sets of 10 with 110. Calves on leg press, 3 sets of 50 reps with 6 plates. Then leg curls, 3 sets of 10, 10, 9 with 100 on the machine. I can barely walk right now.
Thanks to all who gave advice, I'll try spread karma to all.
Oh, and Needsize, Just curious what should I substitute for front delt work on shoulder day? Also, I feel legs are my most lagging bodypart so don't you think squats, leg press, hacks would be good? Or am I still risking overtraining?