Robert Jan
New member
Less intelligent people lose their virginity earlier... proven fact. The 13 year olds in VMBO HS (average or lower level) fuck more than the VWO (intell. HS) students that are 18.
I wonder why. You can say the smart kids are all nerds, but that doesnt make sense, they have each other and the good looking ones are the same. They dont physically start puberty later either, in fact the pubescant character kicks in all the same.
Dumb kids probably start fucking because they're bored because they cant think heheeh.
I wonder why. You can say the smart kids are all nerds, but that doesnt make sense, they have each other and the good looking ones are the same. They dont physically start puberty later either, in fact the pubescant character kicks in all the same.
Dumb kids probably start fucking because they're bored because they cant think heheeh.