The world is 2 DAMN FUCKING politically correct nowadays.
My grandma was getting plowed when she was like 14, I'm sure. I think she was married at 16 or 17. Nobody had a problem with that.
My mom had my brother when she was 17 and the guy was 22. Nobody had problems with that.
As far as I'm concerned, when a girl can have a period then she is physically ready for sex, plain and simple. Maybe not mentally nowadays as we coddle are children way too much, but physically yes.
But, all this moral hoopla says that's not right. Well people only say it's not right because we have the luxury to say that.
I guarantee back in the day, hundreds and thousands of years ago, that as soon as a girl was having her periods that guy's started courting REAL quick. It was a matter of survival. Pro-create.
I'm lucky I didn't fuck that fine ass 14 year old girl when I was 16 because I'd a be a rapist and be all a fucked up a mentally and a predator too.
What a crock of shit.
And 16 year old johhny down the street banging the fuck out of sally, sue and jane who were all 14-15 isn't no pimp. Ain't no stud. He's a sexual deviant huh.
What a joke, really.