yes. the people in my gym do that. your half reps with super heavy weights is legit. I could spot the people that matter using such a technique.
every one else doesn't realize a 1/4 squat is wrong because so few people go ATG and the trainers tell them its proper form.
ooorrr, we have the 400 lb 1/4 squater who would buckle under a full depth 315. I can 1/4 squat 400 and i'm scrawny. he moans and groans so everyone looks in admiration. I do full depth side-by-side in case people are comparing form so they can see the difference in ROM. granted much lighter weight 225-315.
Fuckin people don't realize the full squat is on a different level when it comes to strength.
These same people cant touch their chest on bench or rows or anything they does, but thinks they are the strongest peeps in the gym. lots of other patrons agree as the often get props.
I will try to get a vid so you guys can see this clown.
Full squats get respect. 1/4s are a fucking joke unless you are trying to get used to the heavier weight.
you wanna build squat strength, do this. starting from a dead stop in the hole is very hard. really builds your squat stability and gets you accustomed to how to contract your abs and groin to avoid injury, as well as where you may be weak in the posterior chain: if youre collapsing in, side to side, etc. when you get really heavy at the high 1/4 squat level, like a 4 inch lockout, you feel every musle in your body contracting.