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Phera Plex / SuperDrol / ???


New member
Opinions? Anyone used? Results?

These weren't banned in the prohoromone ban were they?

I'm just catching wind, and trying to play educational catch up so bear with me. Would Superdrol or PPlex be something good to throw into the cycle i'm doing in my other thread?

I love discussion :\
superdrol sides are pretty harsh, plus the gains are weird, it's a weird compound.

phera (desoxymethyltestosterone) is pretty tight tho.
10001110101 said:
superdrol sides are pretty harsh, plus the gains are weird, it's a weird compound.

phera (desoxymethyltestosterone) is pretty tight tho.

Yeah i'm reading good things about phera plex, but i'd just like to learn a bit about it from sources I trust (here) versus other random boards / information collections across the web.
lanky said:
superdrol clone did nothing for me even at 80mg a day

I gained 17 pounds on SD- half of it was bloat that took me weeks to burn off. Strength was up and sides were weren't bad until the end of the 3rd week..then bad back spikes, headaches and a really bad crash- felt completely lethargic afterwards. If you plan on doing it, look up the Superdrol for Dummies thread- there's a lot of helpful stuff in there to take along with it. My Cholesterol was through the roof- so use something like Policosanol, and also Milk Thistle for your liver. I went 3 weeks and 3 days and I wish I cut the cycle earlier...anyway- never again. Just my 2 :)
I got 6 bottles each of the original formula.... Just in case. Only used once.
Good shit! Powerful! BAD sides! Expires in a year.
Maybe I'll take them down to the local GNC.
i did superdrol last year it was alright i gained 8 pounds 3 weeks nothing special but it has some sides and its harsh on the body..
the problem is that it is still a 17a [(17a-Methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17b-ol]
and the net dose is way higher than regular gear (superdrol -5-androsten-3b-ol-17-one 170mg 0 and people think b/c it is sold otc it must be safe--it ain't. very hepatoxic.

Superdrol: Supplement of the Year or The Most Dangerous Supplement of the Year

In the post prohormone era of the supplement industry it appears there has been a new trend at masking dangerous compounds which in themselves are prosteroids. The trend is marked by companies who often use smaller subsidiaries called shell companies. The main advantage to having a shell company is that when FDA comes a knockin’ or a subpeona for a lawsuit it can quickly be dissolved with little or no retritbution. Since these shell companies are often attributed to quick buck artists who care more about cashing in quick profits the unresearched or dangerous compounds they sell often end up in the hands of teens and young adults with no clue has to properly use an anabolic oral compound.

I first heard of this supplement across the various forums.I regularly post on. As always, I was surely skeptical of the positive feedback I was reading because often quick gains in musculature are a red flag for steroids. Soon enough I began to see accounts of sideffects being reported which included lethargy and acne which are also indicators of hormonal changes brought about steroids. Being an educated supplement user and wanting to remain natural I steered cleared of this supplement even when I saw post cycle therapies appearing to combat the host of negative side effects being reported. The bottom line is that I will never risk my health for vanity in such a irresponsible manner.

What was even worse is that these PCT protocols were developed by members of AX’s team after the supplement had been on the market for awhile. Now given the fact they probably new how potent this supplement was why didn’t they print a PCT protocol on the bottle? The reason we know this is a steroid is because Superdrol was actually based off of the steroid Masteron. The only difference was the added between it and Masteron was an additional methyl group attached to the 17th carbon position. This lead to it being formally named Methasteron.

So why didn’t the formulators see it fit to offer any sort of proper guidelines? It wouldn’t be because this would have drawn red flags from the FDA which would have cut into their profits would it?

Unfortunately, before the FDA finally caught up with this steroid being marketed as a dietaty supplement the damage had been done. This was the hottest post prohormone ban prohormone to hit the streets and word spread fast across the forums and sadly enough falling into the hand of many teenagers and adults who don’t have the first clue as to properly take an anabolic compound. As a result, there were cases of delayed onset gynecomastia, sever cramping, lethargy, increases in LDL cholestrol and decreases in HDL cholesterol, duiresis, and even lactation in a few cases. What teenage boy wouldn’t mind sporting a nice pair of lactating might I ask? Now since it was a methylated compound and has a duiretic effect, anyone who knows about anabolics could have told you there was a possibility Superdrol was quite possibly both toxic to the liver and kidneys as well. Well now we have our proof of this as well.

Normally, I don’t put too much credence in certain case studies involving supplemental compounds such as creatine because both the scientific community and anecdotal feedback from numerous supplement users has been postive and these are merely biased reports. However, in a recent preprint edition of the American Journal of Gastroenterology ( Jasiurkowski et al.) we indeed have seen the result of irresponsibly marketing a supplement which was indeed a steroid in the form of severe liver and kidney pathologies.

Here is an excerpt from the case study:

“A 23-yr-old Hispanic male bodybuilder without any known past medical history presented at the Maricopa Medical Center (MMC) with a 2-wk complaint of nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, jaundice, RUQ abdominal pain, pale stools, dark urine, and itching. Two months before the onset of his clinical symptoms, he had started using an OTC nutritional supplement for bodybuilders named anabolic extreme (superdrol) having methasteron as its active ingredient. He consumed 72 10-mg pills of superdrol, starting at one tablet daily for 2 wk followed by two tablets daily. He did not exceed the maximal suggested dose of 126 pills (10 mg each) that was recommended over a 6-wk period. He stopped using superdrol with the onset of diffuse skin itching. He did not report any history of alcohol, recreational drugs, or tobacco use. There was no family history of liver disease. He did not have any drug allergies.On physical examination, his vital signs were stable. He was deeply icteric with several scratch marks noted throughout the trunk and lower extremities. He was overweight with a BMI of 28. The abdomen was slightly tender in the right upper quadrant with no evidence of ascites, hepatosplenomegaly, or a Murphy’s sign.At presentation, labs revealed a total bilirubin of 36.2 g/dL, an AST of 57 U/L, ALT of 93 U/L, alkaline phosphatase of 224 U/L, total protein of 9.1 g/dL (6.3…8.2), and IgG of 669 mg/dL (751€”1,560). The hepatitis viral antibodies including HAV-IgM, HB core-IgM, HBS-AG, HBV core-AB IgG, HIV-1 AB, HDV-AG as well as HCV-RNA, and HBV-DNA by polymerase chain reaction were negative. The ceruloplasmin was 76 mg/dL. Smooth muscle, antinuclear, myeloperoxidase, and LKM antibodies were negative. Alpha-fetoprotein was normal. A hepatitis A IgG-AB was positive. A 24-h urinary copper was 166 μg/dL. A urinalysis did not reveal proteinuria or hematuria. The rest of his lab reports are summarized in Table.The patient was hospitalized for one day and discharged on oral ursodeoxycholic acid at 600 mg twice daily and hydroxyzine at 25 mg three times daily to be used as needed for pruritus. Two weeks later, he presented to the hospital because of vomiting and unrelenting skin itching. He was hypertensive with a blood pressure of 189/86 mmHg, and the use of metoprolol at a dose of 50 mg twice daily normalized his blood pressure.A liver biopsy showed features of marked intrahepatic cholestasis, mild portal inflammation consisting predominantly of lymphocytes, foci of lobular inflammation with balloon degeneration, mild Kupffer cell iron deposition and pericellular fibrosis. There was no evidence of granulomas, peliosis, hepatic rosettes, portal fibrosis, or bile duct injury (Fig. 1). The hepatic iron index was 1.19. An abdominal ultrasound showed mild liver enlargement at 18 cm. The gallbladder and bile duct were normal. The kidneys were slightly echogenic. The CT scan of the abdomen with IV and oral contrast did not show any liver lesion, ascites, or biliary obstruction. A kidney biopsy showed interstitial edema containing a mild lymphohistiocytic infiltrate with numerous esoinophils. An immunofluoresecence stain showed diffuse granular mesangial staining for IgA (2+) (Fig. 2). After 1 wk of hospitalization, the patient was discharged and readmitted 4 days later because of rectal bleeding and a hemoglobin level of 7.9 gm/dL with an MCV of 89 fL. The upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopies did not reveal any varices. After receiving 2 units of packed red blood cells, his hemoglobin increased to 9.4 g/dL and he was discharged home. Two wk later, he followed up in the outpatient clinic, feeling better without any itching and near-normalization of his lab reports including both kidney and liver function. (1)”Now for those of you who don’t know what the normal values are here is a good reference:Now for those of you who don’t know what the normal values are here is a good reference:Total bilirubin- 0.2…1.3 mg/dLNow for those of you who don’t know what the normal values are here is a good reference:Total bilirubin- 0.2…1.3 mg/dLAST (serum aspartate aminotransferase) 17…59 U/LNow for those of you who don’t know what the normal values are here is a good reference:Total bilirubin- 0.2…1.3 mg/dLAST (serum aspartate aminotransferase) 17…59 U/LALT (serum alanine aminotransferase) 21…71 U/LNow for those of you who don’t know what the normal values are here is a good reference:Total bilirubin- 0.2…1.3 mg/dLAST (serum aspartate aminotransferase) 17…59 U/LALT (serum alanine aminotransferase) 21…71 U/LALP (Alkaline phosphatase) 38…126 U/LNow for those of you who don’t know what the normal values are here is a good reference:Total bilirubin- 0.2…1.3 mg/dLAST (serum aspartate aminotransferase) 17…59 U/LALT (serum alanine aminotransferase) 21…71 U/LALP (Alkaline phosphatase) 38…126 U/LCreatinine-0.8…1.5 mg/dL; BUN-9-20 mg/dl

Now for those of you who don’t know what the normal values are here is a good reference:Total bilirubin- 0.2…1.3 mg/dLAST (serum aspartate aminotransferase) 17…59 U/LALT (serum alanine aminotransferase) 21…71 U/LALP (Alkaline phosphatase) 38…126 U/LCreatinine-0.8…1.5 mg/dL; BUN-9-20 mg/dlceruloplasmin-22…58 mg/dL

Now for those of you who don’t know what the normal values are here is a good reference:Total bilirubin- 0.2…1.3 mg/dLAST (serum aspartate aminotransferase) 17…59 U/LALT (serum alanine aminotransferase) 21…71 U/LALP (Alkaline phosphatase) 38…126 U/LCreatinine-0.8…1.5 mg/dL; BUN-9-20 mg/dlceruloplasmin-22…58 mg/dLHb (hemoglobin 14…17 g/dL) and WBC (white blood cells).

As you can see this subjects values were grossly affected by use of this supplement which resulted in a host of kidney and liver related pathologies. Now some may counter and say this aspiring bodybuilder should have known to use a proper PCT. However, we all know that generally speaking most people aren’t aware of this approach and is why I fault Anabolic Xtreme for not making an honorable attempt at trying to limit the side effects which Superdrol was going to ellicit.

The real issue here is that not everyone has access to the internet or to talk to experienced anabolic users who can offer advice. They rely on word of mouth and obviously this guy probably heard about some amazing “supplement” called Superdrol which would make him “huge.” Little did he know that he was actually taking a potentially toxic streroid that would leave him in the need of serious medical attention. Do you think Anabolic Xtreme is going to send him flowers or pay his medical bills?

I have shared my feelings about how irresponsibility and greed in this industry is going to ultimately end the FDA’s loose stance on supplements numerous times in the past. What saddens me about this particular case is that I now see why reporters like Amy Shipley and numerous politicians target a freedom I have come to enjoy. Looks like they have another log to throw on the fire now:

“The case highlights that because of a lack of governmental control in the manufacture, distribution, and advertisement of OTC medications, misrepresentation of ingredients present in such remedies is possible and policies for regulation of OTC/CAM must be reviewed.”

I don’t want to lose my right to natural performance enhancing supplements because of shell companies who only care about profit at the cost of health. Isn’t the point of the long hours of sweat and blood poured in the gym to be healthier? Isn’t that the point of adhereing to a well structured and meticulously planned diet? Isn’t that the point of living with a positive mentality towards health and well being? Shouldn’t the health of consumers be a priority for supplement makers? I would hope so.
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Yeah i was leaning away from Superdrol, just wanted some discussion on it.

Good stuff you got there though, very informative, thanks!

Anyone got anything like that on pheraplex?
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