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S-Z Sten
250 is an oil-based injectable containing four different
testosterone compounds: testosterone propionate, 30 mg;
testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg; testosterone
isocaproate, 60mg; and testosterone decanoate, 100 mg.
The mixture of the testosterones are time-released to
provide an immediate effect while still remaining active
in the body for up to a month. As with other
testosterones, Sustanon is an androgenic steroid with a
pronounced anabolic effect. Therefore, athletes commonly
use Sustanon to put on mass and size while increasing
strength. However, unlike other testosterone compounds
such as cypionate and enanthate, the use of Sustanon
leads to less water retention and estrogenic side effects.
This characteristic is extremely beneficial to
bodybuilders who suffer from gynecomastia yet still seek
the powerful anabolic effect of an injectable
testosterone. The decreased water retention also makes
Sustanon a desirable steroid for bodybuilders and
athletes interested in cutting up or building a solid
foundation of quality mass. Dosages of Sustanon range
from 250 mg every other week, up to 2000 mg or more per
week. These dosages seem to be the extremes. A more
common dosage would range from 250 mg to 1000 mg per week.
Although Sustanon remains active for up to a month,
injections should be taken at least once a week to keep
testosterone levels stable. Synthol Synthol is an
intermuscular fatty acid that bodybuilders are now using
to give increased size in small muscle groups. Gains of 1
inch in muscles like the calves, biceps, and shoulders
are not unheard of. It is actually a synthetic oil that
is injected right in to the muscles you want to enhance
in size. The way that this product works is that it
becomes encapsulated between the fasicles (bundles of
muscle fibers). Upon repeated injections, a huge bolus of
the oil accumulates, adding volume to the injected muscle.
About 30% of the amount injected will be broken down by
your enzyme system and is metabolized like a normal fat
because of its unique chemical structure. It will not be
stored as bodyfat but will be burned very fast as fuel.
The remainder of about 70% of the substance will be
encapsulated between your muscle fibers and is broken
down very slowly over the course of 3 to 5 years. Dan
Duchaine recently analyzed a sample of Synthol and found
it contained mostly C8 fatty acids, some C10, and about 3%
C12 (the C and the number relate to what length the fat
is - short, medium, or long). The mixture also contained
7.5% lidocaine (a painkiller) and 7.5% benzyl alcohol.
There is currently some debate on whether you can take
regular MCT oil as a substitute for "the real
Synthol" which costs between $300-400 per bottle.
Because of the structure of Synthol and the fast
encapsulation your enzyme system, your body has a real
hard time spotting the substance and breaking it down.
Supposedly if you use this product correctly you won't
come down with any kind of infection or any really bad
side effects. To get no detrimental effects you have to
be careful about the amounts you inject the first couple
of times you use the stuff, otherwise you could
experience an accumulation of lymphatic fluids in your
arms for a couple of days. Working out while taking
Synthol is quite another story. Synthol makes it real
hard at first to train because sometimes after just one
set of any upper body exercise, your guns will feel
pumped like after a hundred sets of any arm exercise. As
far as side effects are concerned, that is still up in
the air. The makers of the substance say that there are
really no side effects but injecting any significant
amount of fatty-acid material intramuscularly can be
extremely dangerous. When you jab a syringe into a muscle
without any knowledge or regard to nerve distribution,
you may hit a nerve and possibly cause permanent
paralysis of groups of muscle fibers within that area.
And besides the increased possibility of developing
abscesses, there is also the possibility you might inject
the fat into a vein or artery and cause serious tissue
damage downstream. If this stuff is accidentally injected
into a vein or artery, it could be transported into the
lungs, possibly causing a "pulmonary embolism"
or perhaps even into the brain, causing a "cardioembolic
stroke." It's also known that injecting fatty acids
into the system can lead to a condition where blood clots
can develop, resulting in coronaries and strokes."
The bottom line is that you need to weigh the risks to
benefits ratio for yourself and decide if it is worth it
for you to get some instant gains. In my opinion, this
would be an excellent precontest drug but for the average
bodybuilder that will never compete it really is not
worth the pain or cost to use. Effective Dose: Start with
1ML, deep into the muscle with a 1/4 inch needle. Be sure
to use sterile technique at all times. Continue at this
rate for ten days. Then increase to 2ML a day for ten
days. Now 3ML a day until the muscle gain stops. Now
return to 1ML a day for 30 days. Now 1ML twice a week for
four weeks. Now 1ML once a week for four weeks. The gains
are now said to be permanent but I am a little leery of
this...... Arms will be a good 2 inches up after three
weeks and hold. After a four month break a further gain
can be made by repeating the cycle. Testosterone-Cypionate Testosterone cypionate is a long acting ester of testosterone which is increasingly difficult to find.Before the scheduling of anabolics in the U.S., this was the most common form of testosterone available to athletes. Cyp had gained a reputation as being slightly stronger than enanthate and became the testosterone of choice for many. Now that anabolics are controlled, this is an almost impossible find. In general, the only versions you'll find on the black market are Sten from Mexico, which contains 75mg cyp with 25 mg propionate along with some DHEA, and Testex from Leo in Spain which contains 250mg cypionate is a light resistant ampule. All versions of Upjohn and Steris in multi-dose vials should be looked at with extreme caution as they are very difficult to get on the black market. Counterfeits are quite easy to obtain. Real Steris products have the inking STAMPED into the box and the labels cannot be removed from the bottle. Any variation of that is definitely counterfeit. A running dosage of test cypionate is generally in the range of 200-600mg per week. When this was available for $20 per10ml bottle, many users would take a whopping 2000mg per week. This kind of dosage however, is unsafe, generally not needed and in today's day and age too costly. Should you find a legitimate American vial it would probably cost $200+. Quite often fakes are sold for as much so be careful.
(Testosterona 200)
Testosterone Propinate (Testoviron) Testosterone propionate is a common oil-based injectable testosterone. The added propionate extends the activity of the testosterone but it is still comparatively much faster acting than other testosterone esters such as cypionate and enanthate. While cyp and enanthate are injected weekly, propionate is most commonly injected at least every third day to keep blood levels steady. For strength and muscle mass gains, this drug is quite effective. With propionate, androgenic side effects seem somewhat less pronounced than with the other testosterones, probably due to the fact that blood levels do not build up as high. Users often report less gyno trouble, lower water retention and commonly claim to be harder on prop than with the others. This however is still a testosterone and, as with all testosterone products, androgenic side effects are unavoidable. It should also be noted that propionate is often a very painful injection. Users very regularly report swelling and noticeable pain for days after a shot. Testosterone Suspension 100mg/ml 10cc or 30cc vial This drug in injectable testosterone suspended in a water solvent. This product is one of the oldest androgens available; it was originally developed some 40 years ago. this drug has been used by athletes for decades and still has quite a following who like the fast action of the drug. Since it is in a water base, it gets in the blood in a matter of hours and has a life of around a day. This requires that the compound be administered frequently. The worst thing about this is that shots are often painful which can lead to a very uncomfortable cycle. Still, hundreds of athletes sacrifice comfort to reap its rewards which often include dramatic gains in size and strength. I know for a fact that hundreds of powerlifting records have been obtained with the help of testosterone suspension. many championship physiques were aided by the long term use of this drug as well. Unfortunately, this drug is very hard on the system. It is high in androgens, aromatizes easily and it is hard on the liver. The prolonged use of testosterone suspension will severely suppress the natural pituitary hormone axis, resulting in serious atrophy of the testicles and infertility. Although these symptoms are reversible, many athletes find them unacceptable. Due to the large percentage of exogenous testosterone that is converted to DHT in the system, acne and male pattern baldness can result. As with other testosterones, users often find that the rapid gains increased aggression is another common side effect associated with the use for some users that it is grounds for avoiding this item altogether. Another very noticeable effect from this drug is that it can dramatically increase the sex drive when it is used in the short term, but, as with other testosterones, the long term use can lead to impotence and sexual dysfunction. It is still very popular for powerlifters to use testosterone suspension every day for the last couple weeks before a contest. This has reportedly yielded some unbelievable last minute strength increases. A few bodybuilders find that this fast-acting androgen helps harden them up proir to a bodybuilding competition. Some even take the drug the morning of a contest and claim it makes their muscles look harder and fuller. I consider this product to be in the same class as Anadrol - It yields dramatic gains in size and strength yet it has so many potential side effects that it does not fall into an aceptable range in terms of risk-to-benefit. (Just because I see it as an unacceptable risk, does not mean that athletes are going to stop using it.) Thiomucase This drug is not a steroid. It is a chemical that was originally used as a dispersing agent. When administered to an injection site, Thiomucase got the drug into the system faster. This speeds up the effectiveness of the drug. Bodybuilders have been using the drug for spot reduction of problem fatty areas. It is available in a liquid form, which is injected in small amounts right into the problem area with a small needle. Also a cream is made that can be applied to the skin over the area. Some mix the liquid with DMSO and apply it to the fatty area and report better results. Oral tablets are another form that Thiomucase is available in. These are taken several times a day for about two weeks before a contest. Most feel that the orals are not effective. Finally there is a suppository form of this medication. They are inserted twice daily for about a week before a contest. Often all of these methods are used at the same time. Most bodybuilders who used these items reported some degree of effectiveness. Occasionally the drugs worked remarkably well, or not at all. Thiomucase has been found to work best in those who are holding extra water in the fat cells due to estrogen. The drug allows as much as 20% more water to be freed from the fat cell. This can make the fatty area look much leaner. Several years ago this drug could be obtained very easily on the market, nowadays it is very hard to find. Winstrol Winstrol is a
common brand name for the drug stanazolol. Stanazolol is
a 17-aa steroid, designed for oral administration but
also available in injectable form. Winstrol is classified
as an anabolic, exhibiting low androgenic side effects.
Its' anabolic properties however are not dramatic and is
often used in combination with other drugs, most commonly
during cutting cycles when water and fat retention are a
major concern. In the U.S., the Zambon brand name from
Spain seems to be the most popular. It is supplied in 2mg
tabs and 50mg water-based injectable ampules. Common
dosages are 10-25mg/day orally and 25-50 mg daily
injected. On the black market, tabs sell for $1-2 each
and ampules usually cost $15-20. Obviously Winstrol can
be very expensive to use. 30ml of injectable Winstrol-V (U.S.
Veterinary product) is usually more cost effective but
legitimate bottles are now rarely seen due to strict
gov't control. There are many forms of counterfeit
Winstrol, so one should be careful when purchasing this
product. The Zambon tabs are pink and come 20 to a strip.
The Zambon injectable ampules and American Winstrol-V
have been duplicated with good accuracy. One should make
sure the water and steroid separate when the vial is left
out on a table for some time. |