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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I inject?

What size needle do I need?

Where should I inject?

A: Visit 2thick's website for well explained, detailed information.



Q: How do I know if the anabolic steroids I have are real?

A: Visit E2's website for pictures of many different steroids and accessories.



Q: What can I take to help keep up proper liver function while using steroids?

A: This is controversial. Below are some supplements that are thought to help keep your liver functioning properly.

1. Milk Thistle

2. Evening Primrose Oil

3. Lecithin

4. LiveriteŽ - Can be purchased at GNC or visit http://www.liverite.com for information


Q: What can I do to help cleanse my kidneys while using steroids?

A: Below are some things to help cleanse the kidneys.

1. Cranberry Juice

2. Cranberry Extract Capsules

3. Saw Palmetto - Also can help with enlargement of the prostate.

4. Last, but not least: Drink plenty of water. It is good practice to drink at least 1.5 to 3 gallons per day for all athletes, but it is imperativefor steroid users.


Q: What can I take to help combat gynecomastia (bitch tits) ?

A: Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate), Nolvadex, Arimidex and Proviron are among some of the more popular drugs taken to prevent and/or combat gyno. You should ALWAYS have one or more of these on hand for an emergency. See the steroid profiles for information on these.


Q: How long can anabolic steroids be detected in a drug test?

A: It depends on the steroid. Below are approximate times. Note that it costs about $250 to test for steroids, therefore most employers don't test for them.


18 months nandrolone decanoate
12 months nandrolone phenylpropionate
5 months boldenone undecyclate
metehenolone enanthate
trenbolone acetate
injectable methandienone
3 months testosterone-mix (Sustanon & Omnadren)
testosterone enanthate
testosterone cypionate
2 months oxymetholone
injectabel stanozolol
drostanolone propionate
5 weeks methandienone
3 weeks oxandrolone
oral stanozolol
2 weeks testosterone propionate
1 weeks testosterone undecanoate
4 days clenbuterol



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