New member
I tried a couple new things in my workout yesterday that were pretty neat. It was my deadlift/back day. Since I haven't yet started my next training cycle, I'm trying to do some form work on deadlift. I'll explain in a minute. After deads, I tried some hang cleans. Those are nifty! I didn't go very heavy just because the technique is so new to me. Pwr_machine thought I did alright though. I even tried a few power cleans, but they were even more difficult. Then after those, I tried some good mornings from the pins in the power rack. The only done regular GM's before. These were pretty cool too. I worked up to a couple sets of 5 with 185.
On to my deadlift problem... I don't have a video, so I'll try to explain. I'll have to tape my next workout to post it up. My stance is wide sumo, feet about 1.5 inches from the plates on either side. I can get down to the bar fine, so this is not a flexibility issue. I have perfect form doing light weight, but when it gets heavier, my form seems to break. My butt goes up and it's almost as if I am performing two different movements (butt goes up, then shoulders go back; I'd like one smooth movement the entire way through). Pwr_machine and I were brainstorming about what would be weak for that to happen. We were thinking perhaps a weakness in the hams? Any thoughts on this are greatly appreciated. Again, sorry no video. I know it's hard to critique without one.
On to my deadlift problem... I don't have a video, so I'll try to explain. I'll have to tape my next workout to post it up. My stance is wide sumo, feet about 1.5 inches from the plates on either side. I can get down to the bar fine, so this is not a flexibility issue. I have perfect form doing light weight, but when it gets heavier, my form seems to break. My butt goes up and it's almost as if I am performing two different movements (butt goes up, then shoulders go back; I'd like one smooth movement the entire way through). Pwr_machine and I were brainstorming about what would be weak for that to happen. We were thinking perhaps a weakness in the hams? Any thoughts on this are greatly appreciated. Again, sorry no video. I know it's hard to critique without one.