It reminds me of how Maury Povich always has severely overweight people (especially babies/young kids) on the show...that always makes me really mad because first of all, how do parents let their kids eat like that!? Yes, I understand hormonal issues and other stuff that infants/toddlers (and people of all ages) can have that cause them to be slightly or extremely overweight--but whenever he shows the kid's diet, they are always eating bags of chips, donuts and sweets, drinking regular pop, etc. and Maury shows them gorging themselves in the green room backstage! Aren't they there to address their problems, not make them worse? Also, the way he always has these kids parade around on stage in diapers is totally exploiting them...
I'm going to be teaching high school in the fall, and that man/woman/whatever is even more inspiration for me to accomplish one of my goals in the near future. I'd like to start a before or after school fitness program/club for young ladies (who aren't on school sports teams or are on teams that are not in season) so that they can learn good eating and exercise habits and have better health and self esteem...I really don't think health and phys ed address this well enough (all I ever learned in Health was how to put a condom on a banana and Phys Ed taught me how bad I was at basketball and tennis!) and there really is nothing in the way of health activities at most schools for the students who are not on sports teams--I think that other than in the classroom, that's another way for me to work at being a good role model for my students.