My shoulder routine has lots of presses, if i did my chest routine before my tri's would be shot.
If your shoulder routine is all laterals then chest and shoulders should be fine.
i work chest and tri's once per week
i switch every week which one i do first.
neither split is very effective because shoulders are used heavily in every chest exercise as are tri's. can leaqd to overtraining and minimal growth. do antagonistic workouts, chest/bi's, back/tri's, shoulders, legs.
neither split is very effective because shoulders are used heavily in every chest exercise as are tri's. can leaqd to overtraining and minimal growth. do antagonistic workouts, chest/bi's, back/tri's, shoulders, legs.
I disagree. They are both effective workouts. It's almost impossible to work a large upper body muscle without incorporating a smaller muscle group to some extent.
You can do one or the other. The key is to change it up after 8-12 weeks.
I agree w/ gymtime. Shoulder and chest together is perhaps one of the more logical combinations. Especially for those w/some shoulder problems. The emphasys on pressing doing chest preexhausts the shoulder girdle allowing for lighter wieght during shoulder presses. Actually I have often skipped presses alltogether and went right to lateral raises. Shoulder presses are overrated in my opinion. LOL
I'll do chest and tris, but not shoulders. My shoulders are too wasted after all the chest press exercises. However, my tri's are just getting warmed up. Thats why I do arms with chest.
Chest and Triceps is a good combination. When you peform your tricep workout with chest, include no more than 6 sets. Remember, you are strongly stressing the triceps when you train chest.
Chest workouts hit my triceps HARD so I finish them on the same day. With delts you have 3 heads, so I prefer to do those on a seperate day when I can kill them with more sets.