I heard about these quotes and other similiar years ago. In my early 20's my boss at work listened to Rush every day so defacto I had to as well. I heard enough of the guy back then to establish what he was, and I was a republican back then. I distinctly remember his theatrics when he made fun of a wrestler dying from a 90foot fall. I remember it verbatim and yet I guarantee that I couldn't find nary a word of it if I tried to track down some kind of formal cite. THat guy has said alot of things on his show that probably never made public record. He literally played "it's raining men" when he reported the guy having fallen to his death, and was cracking up the whole time saying it. That's why I don't give him the benefit of the doubt on anything he say's........cause I was listening to him when he wasn't as big as he is now and didn't edit his words carefully. I remember his racist leanings all to well also. There is no debate here for me, I know what the guy is about. Do I care if someone else isn't convinced? No, if you like him you like him......but clearly there are other people who know what he's about and didn't want him to be part of their brand. And that's................"ok".

You realize that quote came from a self-admitted Rush detractor's book and has never been captured on vidoetape, audio or print, don't you? If you claim otherwise, please provide a link -- I'd love to see it.
Let me show you how easy this is:
"Redsamauri once told me: All black people should be rounded up into death camps and slaughtered."
Well, there you have it. You've said something horribly worse than Rush ever has. I'm horrifically offended that you are allowed to interact day-to-day with other fine Americans.