Originally posted by NONSTOP:
Canada's TIGHT! They take out all the good shit outta Hydroxycut, even our protein! Andro's band, ephedrine has to be hidden under the counter! I even heard they're gonna ban creatine! Canada sucks. Its pretty pathetic when you have to buy black market smuggled hydroxycut.
What are you talking about? I think the way th canadian gov't taking care of the whole ephedrine thing is acceptable. We can buy ephedrine as long as it's not in a fat loss product.
Can you imagine a big fat 300 lb lazy ass house wife taking something like xenadrine because it says for fat loss on the label? Her heart would shot out of her chest.
The real BBs, those that know the difference between canadian products and the real stuff are the only one's that should be using it in the first place. I got my hands on some adipo very easily, and it cost me $50 cdn. That's not much.
"I mean we are smarter as a nation than Mexico is"
you are way off on that, it's not about intelligence, it's about morality. Everyone in the states and canada wants the gov't to babysit them, hold their hands and wipe their fuckin' ass. No one wants to take responsibillity for their lives. Everyone relies so much on the gov't it's disgusting.
If you ask me Mexico is the smarter nation.