Wulfgar said:

she is a crazy bitch bro. when I met her I had to go pick her up from her house often to go out. She lived with her Mom(never knew her dad, suprise suprise!) in a shithole apartment in the bowels of Brea.
She was nuts, right when she would get in my old mustang she would be on the cock. she would lube up my dick and shoe it in her ass and ride me while i was driving down the road. she just had to have cock inside of her at ALL times. She wore me out. but damn I have some awesome memories.
Damn man.. Mad props for that.. Although she's a porn star now, that pussy STILL looks tight, I'm sure that shit was hella tight back in the days.. All I can say is :cheers: you fuck! lol.. There's just something about her portrayed young innocence that does it to me..
... Oh and last night.. hahahahaha.. I fucking screwed the pooch last night, boy lemme tell ya.... So, last night was First Friday here in da burg and we have a huge block party downtown every first Friday. Last night was especially big b/c all the local radio stations were down there and they had Devil Ray tints and different venders had displays and there was a concert too.. Some local punk band.. They actually weren't that bad.. So anyways I went strolling around by myself.. But anyhow it was so busy downtown that none of the bars were check ids.. Shit, I saw some drunk ass 12 or 13 year olds, it's crazy..
Well, I met this INSANELY hot petite blonde chick that was down on vacation from Ohio last night at a bar.. She was full of energy, had an absolutely gorgeous smile, had this adorable aura about her, a nice rack, a tiny ass little waist, a GRRRREAT ass, and a tongue ring.. What more could a guy ask for, seriously?!?!1 She was a solid 9.. So yeah, we're playing darts and she's slamming down drinks like it's water on a hot summer's day.. We're flirting like crazy and basically trying to undress each other. I lift her skirt up and look up under there and she was so tanned and that baby blue thong was looking so yummy.. We start messing around with each other while we're throwing darts and tickling each other and she is just going straight for the cock so I start thumbing her in the ass and grabbing her titties..I'm telling you this chick just had so much energy I was getting so excited about the things she is going to do with me in bed.. I'm fucked psyched, this bitch is going to just fuck my brains out, I can feel it..
The second we start making out I get a tap on my shoulder from an unexpected party.. Now I'm thinking maybe it's one of my boys and maybe one of her friends or something... So, I kind of take my time, and really grab into her ass and enjoy the tongue ring and slowly begin to turn around and right as I am the look on her face was unforgetable.. I seriously thought that she just saw a 15ft tall grizzly that was about to pound us into the ground. So, I just go ahead and turn around and it's some short chubby bald guy with a very unpleasant look on his face. I'm thinking, ok, this guy needs to get the fuck out of my face before i knock his ass out. He looks me dead in the eyes and says "What the fuck do you think you're doing with my daughter?" i'm like "I was umm.. playing darts, getting to know her, you know.." He goes "Son, I'm about 2 seconds away from kicking your goddamn ass. Do you know how old she is?" I was like "Well, no, I never asked.. She's what 20? 21?" He says "No son, she is 17" I almost fucking swallowed my tongue... I thought for sure she was at least 19..
She left the bar with her dad and I was just glad to get away alive.. lol.. you just don't know.. That fat bastard probably had a 12 gauge out in his truck..
All is not lost though, they are on vacation until next Sunday and while I was in the bathroom she put her number in my phone.. It's going to be rough getting with her though b/c I'm sure daddy put the clamp down on her after that.. We'll see..