I have been trolling this forum for about 4 months now,never thought I woild join,but it happened today.Mr.Darden I have read a few things about you,and twice you have refered to yourself as a poor kid,being poor is a state of mind.Mr.Darden you have a family that loves and supports you,friends that love and support you and a internet community that loves and supports you;also from what I have read, you have good morals with a big heart(not to many people now a days, help people like you have,let alone invite them to your house for training),in my eyes you seem to be one of the riches individuals already.
I have a few years on you,but you have inspired myself to train for the srronghman circuit in Canada(I check your web site for motivation every week...Thank you)
Now my dad taught me to treat everyone with respect,and I would receive respect back.If a person should show disrespect,then fuck with them 10 times fold.Also he taught me that when pêople attack you by belittling you,they are usually jealous and find you as a threat.Mr. Darden you are a threat in the strongman circuit.Turn their negative talk in to positive energy and bury those jackasses.
God Bless