Actually Debaser, Arnold hated preacher curls, he said Larry Scott tried to get him to do preachers. Arnold tried them for a while, and saw little results, while Larry scott got awesome results..
So, basically, find what works best for you, and do it....
Also, he claimed flat flys puts on mass of the outer pecs..
i dont do EXACTLY what Arnold does, or else id be in the gym for 4 hrs, plus he trained abs for 1 hr by themslevs... Hey, if I was goin for my 6th Olympian title, and I was worried about some 6'4 275 pound Italian (Ferrigno) beating train for 4 hrs too...
Bench press and dips are the best over all chest not denying that.....
I train each muscle about 1 hr, excpet for legs...which takes about 1.5 ya, im in the gym for alittle over 2 hrs....