How long have you been training like this? Working out ED plus lots of cardio sounds like overtraining. If you bombard your body like that, and go all out, eventually your body will stop responding, and you have nowhere else to go. You can only up the intensity level so far, and then where do you go from there?
But if you've been training for a while, and gradually build up to it, it sounds like maybe you should change some things around. Instead of the CKD, try 3-5 low carb days and 1 high carb day to boost your metabolism. When doing your cardio, try doing 30 seconds high intensity followed by 1 minute moderate inensity. Do that over and over for the first 20 minutes of your cardio, then the next 25 minutes moderate intensity. Try doing supersets and giant sets in your workouts. After your workout throw in 3 sets of a different bodypart (after doing chest and bis, do 3 sets of leg extensions). There are many things you can do before looking at drugs for the answer.
But if you do want to try some things, Clen has worked wonders for me. Are you just looking to drop bf? Are you competing? If not, I don't really see the need for drug use.
Good luck to you bro.