I would pretty much agree with the last couple of posts.
Imo, being realistic and all, I consider anyone that can bench 1.5x bodyweight strong. In my case I would have to bench 337lbs raw at 225.
Most guys in the gym can't bench that much let alone 300.
Obviously who you hang out with determines what you consider strong, but I usually compare to the average gym guy who is still significantly stronger than the average guy who doesn't even lift weights.
If I was considering strength compared to other powerlifters, strongmen or weightlifters then I would definitely go with around 2x bodyweight on bench.
Keep in mind a 350lbs raw bench at 180lbs bodyweight is strong as hell. I don't think I have ever seen anyone under 200 bench that much in the gym and I have been lifting in various gyms off and on for going on 16 years.
Imho, just considering a person strong in general I would go with
+1.5x bodyweight bench
+1.75x bodyweight squat
2x bodyweight deadlift
For a 180lbs raw lifter this would be
+270 bench
315 full squat
360 deadlift
This is just like general all around strong for a guy that size imo.
For a guy my size at 225 that would be
+337 bench
+395 full squat
450 deadlift
All of which I am a good 6 months away from, but compare that to a typical 9-5 guy that doesn't lift weights and that's practically herculean.
Compared to a serious competitive lifter those lifts are probably entry level so it all depends on what you are comparing to.
I can honestly say that in all my off and on years in the gym I have only seen a handful of people legitimately rep 315 on bench and just as few actually do 1 solid full rom rep with 315.
315 for competitive lifters is nothing, but in general that's pretty damn strong. Lifter's give untrained people too much cred about what they can probably lift just starting out. Unless you're a hoss your average full grown man would likely struggle benching 150 the first time.
315 is literally over 2x stronger than that. People also forget that strength increases aren't necessarily linear after the initial beginner's gains which is why I think you see so few people who can put up that much weight. Going from 135-150 to 225-250 is one thing. The next 65lbs will likely be harder to gain and/or take longer to acquire. Add in combinations of piss poor training, overtraining and too much concern about washboard abs and not enough eating to gain and it's no wonder it's semi-rare.