I've just been doing searches and reading your guy's debates on diets for a few hours now and I am pretty much exctly where I started... Some guys are praising this keto diet others are saying its horible and I am siting on the fence. It sounds like it is the diet for me becuase its for mainly losing weight and not so much gaining muscle, and thats all I really want. I will probably lift after I lose weight but first I wanna feel good bout taking my shirt off... Do you guys think I should do the keto diet and cut down my fat first or I am also considering a 40-30-30 c/p/f but it sounds like the second diet will take me longer to cut the weight but I can gain muscle while I am doing it is that how it works? What do you guys think I should do or should I just try both diets and see what works for me? Thanks for any help guys...