New member
bikinimom, sassy, temple01 ... and those others who may have scanned over my post above ... sorry for side-tracking the topic of this thread and, also, for rambling on about stuff that is so at odds with the purpose of the board. I keep planning to leave my ED thoughts/goals etc. separate from here (I have another forum in which to talk about that stuff anyway) but I find it all too easy to slide into that mindset as soon as food/weight is mentioned
. I've got to learn when to bite my tongue! I really don't want to grate on your nerves, and I know that these dialogues of course do (just like they do with my family and friends etc).. so I'll sift out the ED crap before I post and just stick with the other stuff 
bikinimom - yes, I did read the post about overcoming ED and I was really encouraged to see that so many of you have made such incredible progress. Sometimes I have wondered whether such a thing as 'full-recovery' could ever really happen, so it's reassuring to know it can. Maybe I'll be able to absorb enough positive attitude here to make my own way sometime too.
temple01 - your comment made me laugh too! ... I'm lookin' forward to the day
- mm

bikinimom - yes, I did read the post about overcoming ED and I was really encouraged to see that so many of you have made such incredible progress. Sometimes I have wondered whether such a thing as 'full-recovery' could ever really happen, so it's reassuring to know it can. Maybe I'll be able to absorb enough positive attitude here to make my own way sometime too.
temple01 - your comment made me laugh too! ... I'm lookin' forward to the day

- mm