Oops, my post was misconstrued... my thoughts on wrestling were more for brawling in general...
IL- I totally agree with this in that you should assume all fights are unfair and to know where your help is. I know a few guys that were hot headed and got dragged into a corner or outside being toughguys and ended up in the hospital w/ or w/o puncture wounds.... We never had sprays (most of the places I worked at did not allow it) or headsets to call each other or anything, though (this was 4-5 years ago)
To add to the other guys comment, it helps to know who you have with you when your workig, once I got stuck working at the door with a new guy and 3 guys got into it with us...anyway, he froze up (literally- never seen anything like it, he was like catatonic) and I was facing 3 idiots by myself....
For the most part I agree with Scots, work on your people skills, and be consistent with people, nice but don't take crap.... And like I said, be quick enough to get out of the way....
Though some here have probably done the bar brawl thing, keep in mind most of the people that will go at it with bouncers are either wasted, stupid, or dangerous from any combination of those and other factors, so the less time you spend mixed up with them the better for you....
IL- I totally agree with this in that you should assume all fights are unfair and to know where your help is. I know a few guys that were hot headed and got dragged into a corner or outside being toughguys and ended up in the hospital w/ or w/o puncture wounds.... We never had sprays (most of the places I worked at did not allow it) or headsets to call each other or anything, though (this was 4-5 years ago)
To add to the other guys comment, it helps to know who you have with you when your workig, once I got stuck working at the door with a new guy and 3 guys got into it with us...anyway, he froze up (literally- never seen anything like it, he was like catatonic) and I was facing 3 idiots by myself....
For the most part I agree with Scots, work on your people skills, and be consistent with people, nice but don't take crap.... And like I said, be quick enough to get out of the way....
Though some here have probably done the bar brawl thing, keep in mind most of the people that will go at it with bouncers are either wasted, stupid, or dangerous from any combination of those and other factors, so the less time you spend mixed up with them the better for you....