Im with YellowB on this one. I work abs 2x a week tops. I do 3-5 set of 3-5 reps each and there are times I have to roll over onto my stomach to get out of bed.
Here is an exercise to try. Lay on your stomach on the floor. Stretch arm up overhead, palms down. Have your feet like your walking, but toes bent up so your balls of feet are on floor. Now with your arms full extended, try and lift your whole body off the floor about 2-3 inches and hold for a 3-5 seconds. Your body weight will be on the balls of your feet and elbows/forearms. My guess is with arms fully extended you will never get your body off floor so pull elbos back slightly until you can. You should not be able to hold yourself off floor for more than 5 seconds, if you can move elbows out farther.
The goal, and this sounds funny but true, is to use one of those stupid wheels with the handles sticking out on the sides. Hold it out at full length, contract fully and bring yourself up to a standing position with your feet flat on floor, bent at waist holding onto handles, wheel on floor. I sure as hell cant do it, but I have seen it done, its wild.