I started at 185 been stuck at about 180 for a months now,weighed 178 yesterday and weighed myself today ,back to 183.I think weight scales are controlled by evil elves!
They lie,I swear they do....
I don't know why it's different from one day to the next,even the time of day varies,so I don't weigh myself that often,it's too frustrating!
I benched an extra 5 pounds today, so who knows why I weighed more....
Are you seeing less jiggle? more firm body parts? Maybe that's what we should look at over the scales numbers?
If anyone has answers to this mystery,I'd sure like to know....
scales are not that great a gauge, but if you are going to weigh yourself, do it in the morning, after you go to the bathroom, but before you eat or drink anything. And don't weigh your self every day.